Error code 1001 - Disabled
Campaign is unable to return an RTB bid. This may occur because:
- You paused the Campaign
- You turned off RTB for this Campaign
- You added a Call Flow to this Campaign, which is incompatible with RTB
- You paused the Publisher
Error code 1002 - Initial tag filter
- RTB campaign has bid modifiers for a certain tag but the tag doesn't match the criteria.
- A tag is passed with an empty value.
Error code 1003 - No capacity
One or all of these can be the reason, please check target settings:
- Target is disabled
- Capacity has been reached
- Tag routing filters didn't match
- Hours of operation (target is closed)
Error Code 1004 - Caller ID
Failure on the initial CID checks, checks are done in this order. It can be one of these reasons:
- CID blocked by admin in your account
- Getting Spam from that CID
- Payout blocked as duplicate
- Blocked by TCPA Shield
Error 1005 - Final tag filters
When the RTB campaign has bid modifiers for a certain tag and the tag is not sent, or has an empty value, or didn't match to the bid modifier.
Error code 1006 - Final capacity check
Target has tag routing filters that allows or rejects certain tags, and the tags were not accepted in this case.
Error code 1007 - Closed or Capped
The publisher has either hours of operation or reached the payout cap. This setting is applied under RTB publisher override settings.
Error code 1024 - Rate-limited
The campaign achieved the Maximum Number of Requests per minute, per hour, or per day that you set in the Rate Limited section of the campaign's Real Time Bidding tab or the RTB publisher campaign override settings.
Important: You can use a large value in the Maximum Number of Requests field. Some accounts use values up to 1000. However, if you have Instant Caller Profile (ICP) enabled, Ringba tries to enrich each request. If you set your Maximum Requests value to a large number, make sure to monitor your ICP charges.
Error code 1025 - Ringba - Rate-limited
A bid with the same Publisher RTB ID, caller ID, and user tags is currently being processed. Once processing is complete on the original bid, you can send another bid with this information.
Tip: See the RTB Pings section of the Why am I being rate limited? FAQ for ideas on addressing this error.
Error code 1026 - Ringba pool rate limited
The account has reached the limit of 20 active Bids for the same CID. As bids expire, spaces become available for publishers to send more bids for the same CID.
Error code 1100 - Caller ID verification
"Requires Caller ID" is enabled in RTB campaign settings and the number is not supplied in the correct +E164 format.
Error code 1105 - 3rd Party Data Enrichment
A 3rd party rejected the call. It can be one of these reasons:
- Jornaya is enabled and Ringba gets a rejection from their API
- Custom scoring API is enabled and the server returned a rejection/error or there is no agent available to get the call
- RTB Pass Through does not have eligible targets to get the call
Note: In order to check what was the exact reason please contact the support team, provide the Bid ID and we can provide the exact reason.
Error Code 3024 - Required tags not sent
Required tags that were set as bid modifiers were not sent or the parameter included unsupported characters. The response returns the missing tags.
Zero Bid
If you see zero bid in the Reason for Reject field on the Bid Details tab, it means the bid calculation generated a bid of $0. This may occur when the the bid modifier multiplies by 0, the bid margin equals 100, or other parts of the calculation cause a result of 0.