RTB Bids Export allows you to download the performance information about your real-time bidding (RTB) bids for a certain day. Due to the nature of this data, you can download only one day's worth of bid information at a time.
Important: Effective August 1, 2024, Ringba maintains 30 days' worth of RTB Bid data for you to view and export.
- Click Reporting > Real Time Bidding on the left navigation menu.
- Near the top of the screen, in the Export Bids section, select the time zone and date, and then click Export CSV.
The application generates a CSV file of information about all the bids that happened for the chosen day. - Click the prompt that appears for you to download the file. The application downloads the file to your browser's downloads folder.
RTB Bid Export File Layout
The Ringba RTB bid export file is a CSV file with a row for each RTB bid during the date you selected.
It contains the following columns:
- Campaign: The name of the campaign related to the call.
- Publisher: The name of the publisher that generated the call.
- Campaign ID: The ID of the campaign in the Campaign field.
- Publisher ID: The ID of the publisher in the Publisher field.
- Publisher Sub ID: The publisher's tracking sub ID.
- Bid: The dollar amount of your bid in USD.
- Winning Bid: Contains TRUE if this was the winning bid.
- Winning Bid - Call Accepted: Contains TRUE if this was the winning bid and the call was accepted.
- Winning Bid - Call Rejected: Contains TRUE if this was the winning bid but the call was rejected for some reason. For example, if the target had not reached its cap at the time the bid won but had reached its cap by the time the call occurred.
- Bid Date: The date and time the bid was sent.
- Expiration in Seconds: The expiration period for the bid. You set this value in the Real Time Bidding tab when you set up RTB on your campaign.
- Bid Expire Date: The date and time the bid expired.
- Bid DID: The phone number shown to the publisher.
- Bid ID: The unique identifier of the bid.
- Bid Rejected: Contains TRUE if the bid was rejected.
- Reason for Rejection: The rejection reason. You can see a list of reason codes and what they mean in the RTB Error Codes article.