When you create a ring tree target to ping an RTB campaign or set up a Ring Tree Target to ping an RTB campaign, you usually use the RTB shareable tags feature. RTB shareable tags let you to share call information with buyers who are participating in a bidding process, as long as the buyer also has a Ringba account.
For example, if your buyer wants you to share the caller's ZIP Code, you can use RTB shareable tags to send, in real time, the ZIP Code the call is coming from.
However, the RTB shareable tags feature does not work if you try to share two tags with the same name. For example, you might have collected the caller's ZIP Code from different sources depending on the call. Or, you might have two tags called Name, one for the name of the campaign and another for the name of the buyer.
You can solve these problems. The solution you implement depends on the goal you're trying to achieve. In both cases, you start by opening your ring tree target (RTT) and toggling OFF the RTB Shareable Tags switch.
Toggling off this switch causes the Request Settings section to appear later on the screen. This is the section where you complete the steps in the following sections.
Make sure to choose the Advanced option in the upper right corner. Also, you should choose the POST, PUT, or PATCH value in the HTTP Method field to display the Content Type and Body fields.
Multiple Sources for the Same Tag
You can collect information about callers from several places, such as Instant Caller Profile, the gather node of your call flow, URL parameters sent by your publisher, or inbound data enrichment. When you can get the value for a single tag from multiple places, you can use the coalescing functionality ( | ) to combine the tag sources into one tag declaration.
In the following example, the value of the zipcode tag can come from the user attribute or the gather node. If the user attribute contains a value, Ringba uses that value since it appears first in the list. If the user attribute does not contain a value, Ringba checks the gather node value. See the article How does Ringba prioritize multiple tags? for more information about prioritizing multiple tags.
"zipcode": "[user:zipcode|Gather:zipcode]"
You enter code like this in the Body field of the Request Settings section of the ring tree target.
Similar Tags from Multiple Categories
Tags for things like Name or ID can appear in multiple categories. Campaigns, buyers, publishers, and other kinds of entities all have names and IDs. When you use the standard RTB shareable tags tool, these tags may have identical names, and including more than one causes the feature to fail.
Fortunately, you can still include tags that contain the same type of information for different entities in your tags; you just have to give them different names. You can control the tag names in the Request Settings section of the ring tree target.
The following example contains the names and IDs for both the campaign and the buyer. Using the standard tool would have resulted in duplicates of the Name and Id tags, which would have caused the feature to fail. Instead, this code uses Name and Id for the campaign while assigning buyer for the buyer name and buyerid for the buyer ID.
You enter code like this in the Body field of the Request Settings section of the ring tree target.
Still Having Problems?
Many users ask Ringba to create or review their ring tree targets. See the Open a Request to Create or Review a Ring Tree section of the How do I get help with Ringba? article for specific instructions on how to contact support and what information to provide in your request.