Ringba lets you track calls as conversions in Google Ads.
Google Ads is paid advertising platform used by media buyers and marketers to drive traffic and generate calls. Once the integration is active, Ringba automatically tracks and reports your calls in Google Ads as conversions.
Integrate Ringba with Google Ads
To integrate your Ringba account with Google Ads, you must complete specific steps in both Ringba and your Google Ads account.
- In Ringba, navigate to Integrations > Platforms and click the + Add Platform Integration button.
- Select Google Ads from the list of integrations and click Authorize.
Google's authentication page appears where you authorize Ringba to pass data to your Google Ads account. - Name the integration and select the Google Ad account you want to use.
- Click Update. Ringba saves your Google Ads integration and is ready to pass data from your Ringba campaigns to Google Ads.
Associate Numbers / Tags with a Conversion Set
The next step is to associate numbers / tags from your campaigns to a conversion set in Google Ads. Important: You must enable Auto-Tagging in your Google Ads account before you complete these steps. Auto-Tagging is required for tracking your conversions.
- In Ringba, navigate to Campaigns and click the name of the campaign to you want to use for uploading conversions to Google Ads.
- Scroll down to the Platform Integration section and click the Add Integration button.
For Integrate using, select the Number or JS Tag you want to track conversions for.
Choose Number to track conversions for call-only ads.
- Choose JS Tag to track conversions for ads that lead to a landing page with a number pool and the Ringba JS tag. Note: You must have Auto-Tagging enabled in your Google Ads accounts to tracking conversions using JS Tags.
- Select the Google Ads Platform Integration you want to use.
- Choose the Conversion Set where you want to upload the conversions. You can pick an existing conversion set or enter a name for a new one. When you choose to create a new conversion set, Ringba begins the conversion set with RB- to indicate the conversion set was created by Ringba.
- Choose the Event when you want to upload the conversion. You can choose either Conversion or Payout.
- (Optional) Enter a number of minutes in the Conversion Upload Delay field to configure how long Ringba waits before attempting to upload the conversion information to Google.
Note: Do not set this value too low. If Ringba attempts the upload before Google is ready to accept, the upload fails. It usually takes up to 300 minutes (5 hours) for a call-only ad and 1400 minutes (almost 24 hours) for a click ad. If the upload fails, Ringba tries again after one hour. If it fails again, Ringba retries each hour until the upload succeeds, up to 10 attempts. If the upload fails 10 times, no further attempts are made.
- Click Add and the URL Parameters gclid and kw will be created automatically in the Ringba campaign.
Integrate Ringba with Google Ads as a Publisher
Publishers can also create Google Ads Integrations in your account if you invite them as publisher users. To make this possible, you as the admin must complete the following steps:
- Admin must set up a number pool so the publisher can use it on their Google Ads JS Integration (not needed for Call Only Ads).
- Admin must invite publisher to have his account at Ringba with a publisher role.
- Publisher must go to Integrations > Platforms and create the integration following the steps presented above.
Once the integration is created, the publisher can add it to the desired Campaigns. The publisher can see only the campaigns they are added to and with limited access, but enough to add the integration in the Platform Integration section under Campaign page.
Note: Admins will not be able to see the Google Ads Integrations created by the publisher.
Pausing Google Ads Integration
If you want us to stop uploading conversions to a particular Google Ads account, you can pause that account's integration. You can unpause the integration whenever you want to resume the uploads to the authorized Google Ads account.
- In Ringba, navigate to Integrations > Platforms .
- In the list of integrations, find the row with the Google Ads Integration you want to pause.
- Under the Actions column, click Pause Integration to stop uploading conversions to the Google Ads account.
Viewing Ringba Conversions in Google Ads
Use the following steps to see the Ringba conversion in Google Ads:
- In your Google Ads account, click Tools & Settings in the top header.
- Navigate to Measurement and click Conversions.
Ringba automatically creates a conversion action name with RB prepended to the Google Ads Campaign. For example, if the campaign name was Insurance calls, the conversion name would be RB-Insurance calls.
Keyword Tracking in Ringba
Ringba tracks keyword data using the URL Parameter kw. Using this parameter in your Google Ads tracking templates gives you the ability to view keyword data in your Ringba Reporting.
To track keyword data from Google Ads and see it in your Ringba account, you need to update the tracking template in your Google Ads account with the following URL parameter: kw={keyword}
- Go to All Campaigns in your Google Ads account.
Click Settings on the left sidebar menu.
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Go to the Account Settings tab.
- Navigate to and expand the Tracking option.
Add {lpurl}, which is your final landing page URL.
If your tracking template doesn't contain a ?, add the following URL Parameter: ?kw={keyword}
- If your tracking template does contain a ?, add the following URL Parameter: &kw={keyword}
FAQ and Troubleshooting
Can I edit the conversion set that Ringba creates when I activate my integration?
Changing the name of the conversion set will prevent Ringba from sending your conversion data to Google Ads.
Do I need to create a different event for each publisher/number?
You must create one integration per publisher number. Each Google ad requires a number, so in order to match the conversion data to the correct Google ad, you must have a separate event for each number.
Ringba sends data to Google when your account gets 1) a conversion (revenue generated by a target) OR 2) a payout (generated for publisher). It's either one or the other. You can customize which event triggers Ringba to send the conversion data.
My target is set as post/webhook. Does that work with Google Ads?
Yes. Ringba sends conversions to Google Ads once the revenue is generated via webhook. However, if you manually adjust the payout/revenue, the information will not make it to Google Ads.
I've set up this integration already, but need to change the Google Ads account connected to Ringba.
If you have already created an integration but need to update it. Create a new Platform Integration with the updated Google Ads account and add it to the required Ringba Campaign. After the new account has been set up, it will be safe to remove / delete the out-of-date integration.