This article defines the kinds of fees you might see on your Ringba invoice and charges from Ringba you might see on your credit card statement.
Initial Charge
The initial charge is a fee you pay when you first open your Ringba account. This fee is charged to your credit card (not your account balance).
Account Recharge
To use Ringba, you need a balance of funds to draw from to cover incremental costs over time for call minutes and other fees like TCPA scrubs and call transcriptions. When your balance falls below minimum you set in your billing settings, Ringba automatically charges your default credit card to "recharge" the balance and avoid a disruption in service.
You configure this feature for your account by navigating to Settings > Billing Settings and toggling on the Auto Recharge switch in the Recharge Settings section.
Number Allocation/Reallocation
When you create a number, you authorize Ringba to charge monthly rent for that number for the next 30 days. The rent for all phone numbers in Ringba is due every 30 days after you initially created the number. The fee is deducted from your account balance.
If deducting the charge from your balance would cause your balance to go below the minimum you set in your Billing Settings, Ringba automatically charges your default credit card the amount needed to pay the fee and leave your account balance at the minimum.
Regular Account Renewal Fee
Like every subscription, your subscription to your Ringba account renews periodically.
If your account was created after March 2024:
Ringba attempts to deduct the fee from your account balance. If deducting the charge from your balance would cause your balance to go below the minimum you set in your Billing Settings, Ringba automatically charges your default credit card the amount needed to pay the fee and leave your account balance above the minimum. -
If your account was created before March 2024:
Ringba attempts to charge your credit card for this fee. If the charge fails for certain reasons, Ringba attempts to deduct the fee from your account balance.
Important: If Ringba cannot successfully charge for you subscription renewal fee for seven days, your account will be permanently terminated. See Why am I receiving emails about my subscription fee? for more details.